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Campus Analytics Challenge: Live Green and Live Happy
Challenge Type: computer science
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76 months
5 winners will each receive $2,200 and a 3-day/2-night trip to San Francisco, CA in March 2019 to attend a Wells Fargo Analytics Summit, and $500 for travel expenses. Winners will be awarded from Wells Fargo directly.

Entrants must be currently enrolled in a higher education degree program in the U.S.  See Challenge Rules for full eligibility requirements.

One of Wells Fargo’s priorities is to promote environmental sustainability, which includes accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy. Taking individual actions can encourage collective responsibility to help achieve this. Using machine learning, create a data product to help individuals optimize the balance between their carbon footprint and quality of life.  The data gives a peek into the lives of 1,000 individuals who rated several everyday activities (taking a long shower, driving a car, etc.) on a scale of 1-100 based on how important those activities are to their daily lives.  


Download the data - removed after challenge closed.  (Please note: the data set is completely fake and does not require specific analysis).  Please refer to attached guidelines document for additional information on the challenge instructions,  judging criteria, winner eligibility, and submission formatting.

Using the data set, create a machine learning algorithm that minimizes carbon footprint for each customer while maintaining their total quality of life.  Your submission must include the components below:

  • Deliverable 1
    • A) Written description of how the data product succeeds mathematically in minimizing an individual’s carbon footprint with minimal negative impact on their utility
    • B) Why the data product created is a good example of machine learning in action
  • Deliverable 2
    • A) General idea of how individuals would interface eg. a visual representation of the app
  • Deliverable 3
    • A) Documented code that is operational and can be run using the data provided

For any questions not covered in the attached Rules Document, please email [email protected].

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Rating
Additional Materials:
Reward Tiers
5 Winners
will receive $2,200 each
Rewards will be handled by Wells Fargo
Winners have been published for this challenge.
Submission questions

Have you read and agreed to the attached Wells Fargo Official Rules document?


What university do you currently attend?


In what type of degree program are you currently enrolled?

Associate degree
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral degree

Are you enrolled in one of the following programs?  Check one if it applies to you.  If not, please check other.

Computer Science
Information Science
Mathematics/Applied Mathematics/Statistics
Data Analytics

Please provide a phone number where you can be reached in the event that you are considered for a prize.

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