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Can you imagine a special new cabinet solution?
Challenge Type: engineering
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top 22
58 months

Imagine you could design a cabinet in your home that served a new and unique purpose.  This new cabinet solution could be in the kitchen, closets, offices, bedrooms, mudrooms, laundry rooms, or somewhere else in the home.  This cabinet should have a specific function or purpose.  For example, perhaps it's a cabinet designed to store bulk quantities of toilet paper.  

Here's the kicker: your idea for a cabinet cannot relate to cooking.  That means it shouldn't be used for storing food, pots and pans, or other cooking materials.  It shouldn't relate to the activity of cooking in general.  However, your cabinet idea could be located in the kitchen.  There are many activities that happen in kitchens other than cooking.  It is often a place for meeting or entertaining, using smart home devices, somewhere kids might do homework, etc.  Your cabinet idea could relate to one of the other kitchen activities.

Please keep in mind that as a leading cabinet company, we want ideas for cabinets that would appeal and make sense to consumers.  Consider the ergonomics of your cabinet idea, such as how efficiently it would fit and function in that space of the home.  Furthermore, your idea should make sense to people other than you!  If new people were moving into your home, would they be excited to use that cabinet for the same thing?


We are excited to see your ideas for a new cabinet solution that doesn't relate to cooking.  Begin by answering the survey questions, and then answer the short-answer questions in the open text box:

  1. Describe the purpose of your new cabinet solution.  What does it store?   Does it relate to a specific activity in the home?  
  2. Describe it's placement in the home.  
    1. Where do you see it being useful?  
    2. What is the appx. size?  
    3. If relevant, share any details of how it would work (for example, if it opens in a certain way, if it has compartments, if it needs to be located somewhere specific within a room, etc.)
  3. Why is your idea unique and special?  Why would you want it in your home, or why would it appeal to consumers generally?  
  4. Mandatory: Include a visual for your idea.   We need to be able to physically see your idea to understand what you have in mind.  Top submissions will include a 3D model or CAD drawing, but we are open to something as simple as a napkin sketch if you are unable to submit something more advanced.
    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
  • Feasibility
Reward Tiers
10 Winners
will receive $100 each
12 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$100.00 Matthew Gaiser Queen's University
$100.00 Christopher Adjei-Frimpong University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa
$100.00 Kate Szan University of Connecticut
$100.00 Taponitya Samantaray University of Hyderabad
$100.00 Sang Nguyen McGill University
$100.00 Kaelan Lupton Queen's University
$100.00 Nathaniel Payne Ghana tech. University
$100.00 m .
$100.00 TM S
$100.00 Julia Nati Erasmus University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
$50.00 Rosh Adhikari Webster University
$50.00 Avijit Majumder Manipal University
$50.00 Yadhu Gopal IIM Ahmedabad
$50.00 Mark Newman University of Victoria
$50.00 Jacqueline Duong University of California, Los Angeles
$50.00 Jorge Mario Vega Iglesias Universidad Santo tomas
$50.00 Joshua Y. Ansong Düsseldorf
$50.00 Amrutha Amarnath North Carolina State University
$50.00 Rishabh Gautam Indian Institute of Management - Udaipur
$50.00 n r
$50.00 Amanda Whitney Penn Foster
Submission questions

What is your country of residence?


If you selected "other" above, what is your country of residence?

Where in the home do you envision your new cabinet idea?

laundry room

If you selected "other" above, please state where in the home you envision your cabinet solution: 

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Your solution must be at least 200 characters long
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