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Build the Ultimate Game for Amazon Alexa
Challenge Type: computer science
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top 3
88 months

It’s game time! Build a game that people will love to play with Alexa for a chance to win $1,000 and an Amazon Echo. We welcome university students from around the world to build new Alexa skills for this exciting challenge.

The Challenge:

Is there a game that you love that you’d like to make available for Alexa? Do you have an idea for an all new, original game? Whether it’s a single-player or multi-player game, use your creative mind to build a top-ranking gaming skill for a chance to win.

Need ideas? Get inspired by some of our most popular game skills:

  • Jeopardy! - Test your knowledge on categories including sports, pop culture, and more.
  • Game of Trivia – The perfect skill for a Game of Thrones fan. Test your knowledge of the Seven Kingdoms with your friends.
  • Song Quiz - Guess the correct song title and artist. Challenge friends and family in live competitions or compete against other music fans.
  • Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock - Challenge Alexa in a Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock competition as seen on ‘The Big Bang Theory’.
  • Would You Rather for Family – An addicting game where you make a choice between two lighthearted and silly situations.

We can’t wait to see what you build! Need another reason to participate? Developers who build eligible highly-engaging skills can earn money every month.


  • - First place: $1,000 and an Amazon Echo
  • - Top two finalists: $300 each

Contest ends on November 20, 2017 at 11:59 PM PT.

To learn more about the contest, please see the contest rules below.

Start building your Alexa skill now.


To enter the contest, follow these steps:

  • - Build your Alexa skill:
  • - Test your Alexa skill
    • • Test your skill using Echosim by iQuarius Media
  • - Submit your Alexa skill for certification.
    • • Skills that do not pass Amazon certification will be reviewed but will not be eligible for points awarded to published skills. See contest rules below.
  • - Sign in to MindSumo, submit your entry below and you're done! (You do not need to have a published skill in order to submit your MindSumo entry.)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Alexa Skills Kit?

The Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) enables developers to easily build capabilities, called skills, for Alexa. ASK includes self-service APIs, documentation, templates, and code samples to get developers on a rapid road to publishing their Alexa skills.

2. Can I participate in a team?

Yes, you can participate as a team. Please submit one application per team. If you work in a team, you will be responsible for splitting the prize in the event your skill is selected as a winner.

3. How do I build my skill?

Get started here.

4. How can I build my skill if I don’t have an Echo device? by iQuarius Media, an Echo Simulator, is intended to allow developers who are working with the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) to test skills in development. If does not support the Alexa language of your skill, you can test your Alexa skill using the Service Simulator on the "Test" page in the Amazon developer portal. 

5. How do I publish my skill?

If you built your skill and passed Amazon certification, you successfully published a skill. Learn more about submitting an Alexa skill for certification.

6. How long does it take for Amazon to certify and publish my skill?

It typically takes a few days for Amazon to certify your skill. Remember that getting your skill published will earn you 50 out of 100 points. Submit your skill for certification early to earn these points.

7. Where can I find my skill ID?

Your skill ID can be found in your Amazon Developer Console: Alexa > Alexa Skills Kit > Your Skills > Skill Information > Application ID. The ID for your skill is unique and generally starts with amzn1.ask.skill.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Published Skill [50 points]
  • Creativity [20 points]
  • Fun and Engaging [20 points]
  • Video of Skill [10 points]
Additional Materials:
Reward Tiers
1 Winner
will receive $1,000
2 Honorable Mentions
will receive $300 each
$1,000.00 Jonathan Weber Florida Polytechnic University
$300.00 Jeff Savin Georgia Institute of Technology
$300.00 Mustafa Bhatkar Mumbai University
Submission questions

First name: (Required)
Last name: (Required)
College or university at which you are currently enrolled: (Required)
Anticipated graduation year: (Required)
Current major(s): (Required)
Name of your Alexa skill: (Required)
Full skill ID: (Required)
Describe your skill: (Required)
I confirm that I meet the eligibility criteria listed in the Contest Rules. (Required)
Link to a video of your skill (optional):
Link to your GitHub repository (optional):
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