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Make a portfolio builder web app
Challenge Type: computer science
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100 months

Adobe ColdFusion allows developers to rapidly build and deploy web and mobile apps and is capable of doing anything from building a simple website to creating comprehensive solutions to complex problems. We’re excited to offer more students the opportunity to build with ColdFusion and add it as a tool to their coding arsenal.

We’ve created an awesome personal portfolio builder application and want you to use it as a jumping off point to create a customized version that can create anything from resumes to photo collages. Your task is to use JS skills to make a slick front end, DB skills to make additions to the application, or both!

This challenge gives you instructions on how to download, install, and get started in ColdFusion with template codes to work with. We want as many students as possible to try ColdFusion and this challenge, so give it a shot if you’re new to computer science or a pro!

UPDATE 10/12: We have heard that some students have had technical issues please refer to Our trouble shooting doc for a very quick fix. Otherwise you can email to get an immediate response and help!


UPDATE 10/12: We have heard that some students have had technical issues please refer to Our trouble shooting doc for a very quick fix. Otherwise you can email to get an immediate response and help!

Part I: Simplified Setup:

1. Download Cold Fusion for your OS: Win 32, Win 64, Linux 32, Linux 64, or Mac.

1a. If you have trouble installing via these direct downloads, try this quick guide instead.

2. Install ColdFusion (use the guide here if you need help).

3. (Optional) Check out our new user video tutorials! Getting through chapter 5 should be enough to get you started.

4. Download the portfolio builder starter template and open it up in ColdFusion to get started

Part II: Customize!

1. Customize the portfolio builder in ColdFusion to make a slick front end, add functionality to the back end, or both!

2. To submit your work, upload your project in Github (or similar) and submit your repository.

Things to consider:

- The top 50% of all participants will win prizes! We'll be judging based of creativity and successful application of ColdFusions capabilities.

- If you're having trouble figuring out what to make, a resume creation tool is a cool place to start!

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
4 Winners
will receive $300 each
4 Honorable Mentions
will receive $100 each
$300.00 Ranjan Biswas, MCP, CSPO George Washington University
$300.00 Hamidreza Mohebbi University of Massachusettes, Boston
$300.00 Fatima B George Mason University
$300.00 Shubham Suneja Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
$100.00 allan kollman San Mateo County Community College District
$100.00 Jason Suttles North Carolina State University
$100.00 Sunny Yadav Indian Institute of Information Technology Jabalpur
$100.00 Aparna Siva SantaClara University
Submission questions

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