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How can we make our footwear visibly more comfortable?
Challenge Type: business
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top 50%
101 months

At Crocs, we pride ourselves on the comfortability of our shoes. We also like our shoes to tell you why they are comfortable, meaning that the reason they are comfortable should be visible. Our current “comfort story” offers 3 levels of comfortability in our shoes (see below).

See how our comfort story above shows you exactly how we make our shoes so comfortable? We’re excited to hear more ideas will make our shoes look (and still feel!) even more comfortable.


Propose a way make Crocs footwear visibly more comfortable:

1. What is your concept to make Crocs footwear visibly more comfortable and how does it work?

2. What about your idea makes it appear to be comfortable?

3. What about your idea will make consumers excited to buy new Crocs?

4. (Optional) Sketches, drawings, CAD renderings, mock-ups, charts, videos, graphs or any other visuals that support your argument.

Make sure you read the things to consider section below to ensure your idea is not disqualified for being off-topic.

Things to consider:

- Your idea can be anything from a new material to use, a new shoe to try, an addition to our existing products or anything else you can think of!

- Adding bumps to the bottom of shoes to massage user’s feet is the right line of thinking for this project, but it is not creative enough! We're always thinking about comfortable shoes so try to wow us with something really outside the box.

- Your concept should be casual and the comfort it provides should be immediate (not over a long time like wearing in boots).

- Your concept should not be overly complicated/expensive or focused on athletics.

Additional Terms: Please review the challenge provisions attached below before submitting your solution.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Additional Materials:
Reward Tiers
Top 10%
will share $1,000
Next 15%
will share $400
Next 25%
will share $200
Actual individual rewards will be based on the total number of eligible solutions.
$166.70 April Waits University of Central Florida
$166.70 Anthony Collichio Boston University
$166.70 Christopher Snipes Temple University
$166.70 Adam Sarsony University of Maryland
$166.70 Trevor Bechtold Indiana University
$166.70 Sophia T McMaster University
$50.00 Sama Shah University of Southern California
$50.00 Pavitra Siva University of Michigan
$50.00 Archit Nandi University of Florida
$50.00 Jeanette Jones coe
$50.00 Claire Coleman New School University
$50.00 Sydney C Northwestern University
$50.00 Matthew Gaiser Queen's University
$50.00 Jinghao Yang Case Western Reserve University
$14.30 Alyssa Paparella Sarah Lawrence College
$14.30 A Vidyesh Rao
$14.30 Tarun Jha University of Florida
$14.30 Ethan Chlebowski North Carolina State University
$14.30 Meagan Bartlett Columbus State Community College
$14.30 chaubeygaurav1 Gmail
$14.30 Collin McCourt University of Pittsburgh
$14.30 Kendra Jackson Florida A & M University
$14.30 Shahin Rafikian University of Maryland
$14.30 Jesse Donahue University of Minnesota
$14.30 Sydney Pepper Clark University
$14.30 Kyle Britt Ottawa
$14.30 Vayunamu Bawa University of San Diego
$14.30 Amanda Tyrrell University of Pittsburgh
Submission questions

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