Elon Musk is the founder of PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla Motors, and SolarCity. His work has impacted the world in a dramatic way, making industries like finance, transportation, and energy more efficient. In addition to his efforts saving the planet, Musk is investing a lot of his time into space exploration. One of his primary goals is to colonize other planets, principally Mars.
Before submitting a proposal, please read some background on the habitability of Mars: Wikipedia: Colonization of Mars. With this information in mind, describe:
1) How you would construct a colony on Mars which would support human life
2) What methods you would use to power your colony
3) How you would acquire necessary resources (food, water, etc)
Note: All ideas should be original. Additionally, there are no jobs being offered in associated with this challenge
Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
- Meets Deliverables
- Creativity
- Clarity
will receive $150 each
will receive $50 each
$150.00 | Patrick Flinn University of California at San Diego | ||
$150.00 | Abhipray Sahoo Rice University | ||
$150.00 | Samuel Brebner Brown University | ||
$50.00 | Kamna Kathuria Brown University | ||
$50.00 | Michael Nowak University of California at Davis | ||
$50.00 | Andrei Markov University of Chicago |