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What's your breakthrough idea for blockchain technology?
Challenge Type: computer science
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81 months

NOTE: The first 25 solvers to submit complete, detailed responses will receive $50 each. Additionally, solvers with responses in the top 50% by rating will receive rewards under the usual prize structure.

As companies continue to explore and adopt blockchain technology to drive business value, we are seeking new, innovative, and realistic ideas for how consumer and/or manufacturing companies can use blockchain to transact with both physical and digital assets.

However, blockchain technology isn't without its risks. Companies that implement blockchain technology can drive efficiency in business processes and mitigate certain existing risks, but it also poses new risks to these companies and the market. 

We want your help coming up with new blockchain technology uses that will improve a company's value, identifying potential risks along the way. 


Help us understand how blockchain technology will drive value for corporations. Specifically, answer the following questions:

  1. What new, innovative, and realistic ideas do you have around how consumers and/or manufacturing companies can use blockchain to transact with both physical and digital assets?
  2. How do your ideas differentiate companies with consumers or allow for more organizational productivity?
  3. What metrics or approaches would you recommend that the company use to measure benefits?
  4. Tell us the risks associated with your idea. What risk-based solution(s) will allow companies to mitigate the new risks associated with adopting blockchain technology?

Additional blockchain background and links to articles about existing use cases are included below. As you brainstorm this challenge, think about the feasibility of implementing your new blockchain idea and how a real company might analyze the benefits for their business.

Reference Materials:

Challenge Criteria:

• Meets Deliverables
• Creativity
• Clarity
• Feasibility

Submission questions

What is your full legal name?


Where do you currently reside? Include city, state, and country.


Do you hold a Director or Officer position, or are you a Significant Shareholder, at any public or private company?


If you answered yes for the previous question, provide the full legal name for each company and its country of domicile.

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