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Use transaction data to categorize clients
Challenge Type: computer science
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top 20
111 months

Online businesses of all sorts are increasingly reliant on credit card transactions and the data they create. Information on where clients are, their likely purchasing behaviors, and other bits of data can be used by business to improve their practices. Taking the raw data and turning it into useful information is no easy task though, which is why many engineers find themselves processing and manipulating it on a regular basis.


Write a script:

Using the transactions data attached below, write a script in Java, Python, C/C++, or JavaScript that outputs a list of subscription IDs, their subscription type (daily, monthly, yearly, one-off), and the duration of their subscription.

Bonus Questions (not required):

1. Give annual revenue numbers for all years between 1966 and 2014. Which years had the highest revenue growth, and highest revenue loss?

2. Predict annual revenue for year 2015 (based on historical retention and new subscribers)

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Additional Materials:
Reward Tiers
20 Winners
will receive $50 each
$50.00 Yilun Zhang University of Waterloo
$50.00 Tao Peng University of Wisconsin
$50.00 Fan Yan University of Arizona
$50.00 Li-Wei Chi University of California, Los Angeles
$50.00 Utkarsh Phirke Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay
$50.00 Yu-Hsin Lin Carnegie Mellon University
$50.00 Vaibhav Ojha Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay
$50.00 Brent Read Princeton University
$50.00 Philip Lassen University of Washington
$50.00 Brian Stockman University of California at San Diego
$50.00 Yogesh Aggarwal University of Florida
$50.00 Daniel Turner University of Maryland
$50.00 Jason Lee University of California at Berkeley
$50.00 Nigel Fong University of Toronto
$50.00 Ross Maslar The Ohio State University
$50.00 Robert Herhold North Carolina State University
$50.00 Matthew Webb Massachusetts Institute of Technology
$50.00 Sylvester Chiang University of Toronto
$50.00 Umaseh Sivanesan McMaster University
$50.00 Soumya Sharma iiitd
Submission questions

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