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Use "flowable ice" to make awesome new frozen treats
Challenge Type: food science
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112 months

We're very excited about our new flowable ice product, but are having trouble finding the best way to make it a success from a business perspective. Check out the benefits and drawbacks of flowable ice below, and let us know the best way for us to share it with the world!

Check out this video to see flowable ice in action.

Benefits: Flowable ice is a freely flowing frozen powder that consists of 95% frozen ice and 5% fat. Because flowable ice can be stored as a powder, it can be used as an "ingredient" to make new products. The powdered ice can be mixed with a concentrated syrup to form sorbets or with aerated milk based concentrates to make fun new ice creams.

Drawbacks: When frozen (below 0 °C), it flows like it is made of a fine powder but cakes and agglomerates as soon as it starts to melt. This issue with melting/agglomerating means the product fails surprisingly quickly when exposed to room temperature. This makes transport, handling outside of a frozen environment, and finding a feasible market for this new treat difficult.


Bring a flowable ice consumer experience to the market:

1. What is your frozen treat product or experience that utilizes flowable ice?

2. How does your product create a business advantage over current frozen treats? (See Criteria for more detail)

3. How does your flowable ice idea avoid the issue of quick-melting at room temperature?

4. (optional) Charts, mock-ups, presentations, images, or any other visuals that support your argument


- Question 2 will be the most important part of your solution, complete the following to answer it completely:

*How does your idea make money?

*What is the advantage of using flowable ice from a consumer perspective?

*What is the advantage of using flowable ice from our perspective as it's manufacturer?

*What is the advantage of using flowable ice to create your frozen treat, as opposed to making similar products using established technology and routes to market?

- Extra consideration will be given to products that give a novel, unique, and appealing consumer experience

Things to avoid:

- Concepts that involve exposure of the ice powder to ambient temperatures for prolonged periods as the powder will agglomerate and fail

- Ideas that have an extreme environmental impact during product lifecycle (manufacturing, delivery, consumption)

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
5 Winners
will receive $150 each
5 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$150.00 vponomarenko San Diego State University
$150.00 Erod Keaton Baybay Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
$150.00 SIRANJEEVI D National Institute of Technology Trichy
$150.00 Patrick Bowers Wayne State University
$150.00 Kristi Kan University of Maryland
$50.00 Kirby Delloiacono Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
$50.00 Matthew Smith University of Tennessee
$50.00 Balyssa Bell University of Iowa
$50.00 Angelyn Crawford University of North Texas
$50.00 Joshua Simons University of Illinois
Submission questions

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