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What's the future of e-commerce packaging?
Challenge Type: engineering
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top 10
111 months

For American consumers, e-commerce is growing steadily. Companies like Amazon and Alibaba are at the forefront of moving goods from the computer display to buyers. Traditional brick-and-mortar retailers are adapting their sales models to embrace digital commerce, but they want to preserve the big brand experience with the delivery. Unfortunately, typical packaging used with e-commerce purchases haven’t caught up with modern trends: drab, rigid boxes use too much cardboard and void filler, or use flimsy plastic bags. Companies that deal heavily in e-commerce need new, sustainable, and cost-effective solutions that protect goods in transport, are sized correctly for an object, but strike a balance between protection, volume, rigidity, and brand recognition.


Propose a future packaging solution that enables retailers and fulfillment centers to ship goods to consumers using better protection than simple plastic mailing pouches, or air cushioned pouches, but provides better space-efficiency and dimension-adjustment than a traditional cardboard box. Ideal solutions will include:

(1) An image, mockup, or example of your package concept.

(2) A detailed description of your solution, with particular attention to the materials used, design advantages, labeling and inherent protective structural abilities.

(3) Personal insights about why your design would delight both you and other consumers, while conveying the brand owner's unique values, and any additional information you deem necessary.

When making your packaging proposal, keep in mind that your package will need to stand up to the sometimes rough shipping conditions experienced both within a delivery truck as well as if dropped within a warehouse or carrying the item to your door.

Please refrain from submitting existing commercial solutions that are readily found through a cursory image search, including Ecovative, Instapak foam, or Korrvu.

Bonus points for ideas that allow retailers to include marketing or branding on the exterior of the package!

For examples of ideas Sealed Air has already pursued, check here and here.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
5 Winners
will receive $150 each
5 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$150.00 Luke Engle University of Central Florida
$150.00 Erod Keaton Baybay Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
$150.00 Patrick Chakauya Middlebury College
$150.00 steven12 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
$150.00 Joshua Simons University of Illinois
$50.00 Sung-Joo Byun Virginia Commonwealth University
$50.00 Pedro M University of Providence
$50.00 Maithilee Motlag Purdue University
$50.00 SIRANJEEVI D National Institute of Technology Trichy
$50.00 Shirley Jin Cornell University
Submission questions

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