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How could public transportation reimagine itself to meet the mobility needs of young people?
Challenge Type: business
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40 months

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted nearly all areas of life. This is especially true of public transportation. The threat of spreading Covid-19 has caused long-term shutdowns of transportation systems in many countries, which has forced people to adapt to a new normal when it comes to getting from one place to another. Moreover, the reason for why we travel has changed - as flexible office hours, home office and digital classrooms have become the new standard.

As countries and individuals adapt to life in a Covid-concsious world, there's an opportunity to reimagine public transportation solutions and practices - potentially evolving from being public transportation players to full-range mobility players of the future. We are excited to hear your thoughts on this subject so we can create the best future possible when it comes to the transportation and mobility needs of young people.

NOTE - When we talk about "mobility", this goes beyond the actual public transportation ride on a bus, train, etc. It should include how a person gets to their means of public transportation (the first mile), and how they arrive at their final destination once getting off public transportation (the last mile). 


Please answer the following questions:

1) What are the key mobility/transportation needs of young people today?

  • Gains: What are their gains (wants and desires - what makes them happy?)
  • Pains: What are their pains (challenges and barriers - what do they find annoying and troubling)?

2) How can we reimagine public transportation to suit young people’s mobility needs?

  • Mobility services: What additional mobility options could be added to the current public transportation landscape (e.g. better solutions for micro-mobility, etc.)?
  • Non-mobility services: What additional non-mobility products/services could be integrated into the public transportation offer (what could you do/order while planning your public transport? What other services could make your life easier?
  • Infrastructure utilization: How could public transportation use its current infrastructure (trams, busses, boats, real estate, etc.) in a more innovative way to increase revenue income?

3) Image/branding: How could public transportation change its image to become more “innovative and hip” rather than “old fashioned and boring”?

4) Why do you believe your ideas are the best solution(s) for public transportation players to meet young people's (mobility) needs and wants?

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
Top 10%
will share $1,000
Next 15%
will share $400
Next 25%
will share $200
Actual individual rewards will be based on the total number of eligible solutions.
$66.70 Edilson Gomes de Lima Ibero American
$66.70 Christian Sales Staffordshire University
$66.70 Lizzie H Loyola University Chicago
$66.70 Mathey Mampa
$66.70 Phillips Staninski University of Chicago
$66.70 Abhishek Mishra Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
$66.70 Sang Nguyen McGill University
$66.70 Sem Rush California Institute of Technology
$66.70 Marta Mamic
$66.70 Niharika Sinha New York University
$66.70 Nivedya Ramesh Arizona State University
$66.70 Hannah Semmes University of Virginia
$66.70 AMAL VS APJ Abdul kalam Technological University
$66.70 Prithvi Raj Bhupathi RMIT University
$66.70 Amy Beamer University of West Florida
$17.40 Rosynes Falcon
$17.40 Karel Šlaj EdX
$17.40 Rita Yip University of Auckland
$17.40 Jacqueline Duong University of California, Los Angeles
$17.40 Binita Desai VNSGU
$17.40 Damiana Marin
$17.40 Valmir Prenaj University of Prishtina
$17.40 Opeyemi Adewole University of Benin
$17.40 Precious Maina
$17.40 Paulina Sch
$17.40 Olivia Nguyen University of California at Davis
$17.40 R Petrova
$17.40 Dan Biddle Zhejiang University
$17.40 Kirabo Sarah Makerere University
$17.40 Tabitha Norton University of Toronto
$17.40 Nathaniel Brown
$17.40 Dr. Janelle Christine Simmons Liberty University
$17.40 Marion Hillion
$17.40 Fatima Ezzahra DARKAOUI Mohamed 5 University
$17.40 Samson Lewis Boston College
$17.40 Kevyn Zancheta Zaniquelli
$17.40 Thang Nguyen University of Vermont
$5.40 Patience Kabura San Jose State University
$5.40 asaah atobila
$5.40 Ergin Güler
$5.40 Shubham Agarwal XLRI Jamshedpur
$5.40 Nithya Merin Jacob Manipal University
$5.40 Crystal Scott University of Technology, Jamaica
$5.40 Ibrat Usmonov Tashkent State University of Economics
$5.40 Meera Stephen
$5.40 Kami S Guilin Tourism University
$5.40 Prince Egesi
$5.40 Anandhy Kumar CUSAT
$5.40 Peterson Murithi
$5.40 Abrham Teshale Bahir Dar University
$5.40 Ednei Duarte
$5.40 Alessandra Fraidewoks Universidade Unopar
$5.40 Lauren Wambugu
$5.40 Nicholas Mwangi KCNP
$5.40 Emilia B Humboldt State University
$5.40 Lewis Kim University of California, Berkeley
$5.40 Joseph Alison Massey University
$5.40 Semira Mohammed
$5.40 Daouda CISSE University Djilali liabes
$5.40 wind rianti
$5.40 Giri Sivakoti Northwest Missouri State University
$5.40 Emanuel Padilha
$5.40 Celosia McLeod
$5.40 Shelby baker
$5.40 Moath Amro hashemite university
$5.40 Cláudio Marzo Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)
$5.40 Debra Stein
$5.40 Christian Bakken Georgetown University
$5.40 m .
$5.40 Nodebe Inechi University of Jos. Plateau state,Nigeria
$5.40 Frank Santos Mendonça
$5.40 Sarah Kaia
Submission questions

Do you currently use public transportation?


What methods of public transportation do you use? (check all that apply)

Streetcar/light rail
Bike rental
Scooter rental
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