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Help us harness consumer information from our pick-up lockers
Challenge Type: business
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101 months

Many 7-Eleven locations in urban and suburban areas are also the sites of Amazon Lockers and UPS Access Point Lockers, an innovative new way for consumers to receive packages and other deliveries. These lockers, most often located on the store exterior, make it easier to safely receive packages if the recipient is not available during delivery hours. Instead of having a box sitting unprotected on your doorstep, you can have it routed to a nearby locker, accessible only by a code provided to the recipient via email. The recipient can swing by after work or school, on the way home, and grab the delivery.

These lockers are a great idea, but we currently have no way of tracking whether someone who makes a locker pick-up subsequently makes a 7-Eleven purchase on the same visit. We need to get a better idea of whether they bring more customers into our 7-Eleven stores.


Help us find a way to better understand the connection between lockers outside our stores and business inside our stores. Provide detailed answers to the following questions:

  1. What is a system we can use to gain consumer insights on whether Amazon Locker and UPS Locker customers are buying gas or making in-store purchases when they pick up their packages? How can we know whether someone makes a 7-Eleven purchase because they visited a locker?
  2. What can we do to convince locker users to then makes a 7-Eleven purchase during their visit?
  3. Have you used an Amazon or UPS package pick-up locker before? If so, how was your user experience? If not, what would encourage you to use a pick-up locker?

Please avoid these ideas: Coupons and giveaways.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
Top 10%
will share $1,000
Next 15%
will share $400
Next 25%
will share $200
Actual individual rewards will be based on the total number of eligible solutions.
$142.90 Harshwardhan Singh Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay
$142.90 Miles White University of South Florida
$142.90 Matthew Gaiser Queen's University
$142.90 Tarun Jha University of Florida
$142.90 Meagan Bartlett Columbus State Community College
$142.90 awienen University of Massachusetts
$142.90 Cassandra Radulovic Northern Arizona University
$40.00 Ethan Chlebowski North Carolina State University
$40.00 Thomas Norman University of Kentucky
$40.00 Sarah Su Lin Lee Indiana University
$40.00 Keshav Harisrikanth University of Illinois
$40.00 Jonathan Cheng Drexel University
$40.00 Ander Ruisanchez University of Central Florida
$40.00 Wyatt Shaw University of Minnesota
$40.00 Jan Dannecker University of Central Florida
$40.00 Josh Lyman University of Oregon
$40.00 A. Courtney University of California at Davis
$11.80 Matthew Hogan University of Massachusetts
$11.80 Robert Pulgarin University of New Hampshire
$11.80 Matthew Cowan University of Colorado
$11.80 Jacob Babione University of Findlay
$11.80 Daniel Winzer the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
$11.80 Cole Chase University of Central Florida
$11.80 Thomas Perez Humboldt State University
$11.80 Jennifer Hayward University of Edinburgh
$11.80 Oscar Wong University of Illinois
$11.80 Miguel Martinez University of Texas at El Paso
$11.80 Christopher Lawrence Temple University
$11.80 Wong Yun Han nus
$11.80 Dennis Brown University of Central Florida
$11.80 Lachlan Pham
$11.80 Alon Pinson University of California, Los Angeles
$11.80 Kathryn Link-Oberstar University of California at San Diego
$11.80 Lora Kim University of California at Davis
Submission questions

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