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How can we motivate an entire household to bank together?
Challenge Type: business
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48 months

When it comes to banking, we often turn to our loved ones for trusted advice. "Who do you bank with?" "Where should I set up my first account?"

But over time, family dynamics change and individuals may splinter off in different directions - trusting their finances with a variety of banking or financial institutions. 

We want to figure out a way to encourage entire households to bank together. Households may look different from family to family - moms, dads, young children, older children, grandparents, etc.). Our goal is to make the entire household feel supported and confident banking as a unit. 

We want to hear your ideas! We want to understand what would encourage or incentivize all members of a household to bank together. What benefits, features, products, programs (and so on), would motivate a household to bank together?

Feel free to get creative! Don't limit yourself when coming up with a solution. We want to hear anything you think would realistically appeal to households.


Tell us your great idea for motivating an entire household to bank together. Specifically, answer the following: 

  1. What is your creative idea for motivating an entire household to bank together?
  2. Is your idea realistic? Is it something we could implement in the near future?
  3. What kind of features, benefits and/or incentives would your idea offer households who bank together?
  4. Would your idea include special features, products, applications, or programs?
    1. If yes, please describe in detail.
    2. If no, please explain how your idea would work to motivate household banking.
  5. What are potential drawbacks, problems, or obstacles that might prevent households from banking together?
  6. How will your idea address the obstacles making it easier for households to overcome barriers and bank together?

Winning solutions will be creative, clever, and realistic. We are looking for a way to motivate an entire household to bank together by offering them real benefits and exciting incentives. Please be sure to provide as much detail as possible when describing your household banking solution.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • 1-10 Scale
Reward Tiers
Top 10%
will share $1,000
Next 15%
will share $400
Next 25%
will share $200
Actual individual rewards will be based on the total number of eligible solutions.
$71.40 Matthew Ivan
$71.40 n r
$71.40 Sang Nguyen McGill University
$71.40 Patrick Diaz University of Guelph
$71.40 Matthew Gaiser Queen's University
$71.40 Christopher Adjei-Frimpong University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa
$71.40 Jennifer Miller Walden University
$71.40 SWATHI GANNE University of Texas at Arlington
$71.40 Vyshnavi Viju
$71.40 Peter Daines
$71.40 Ryan Russell Norwich University
$71.40 Shawn Hillier College of the Holy Cross
$71.40 Dr. Janelle Christine Simmons Liberty University
$71.40 Daniele Alves University anhembi Morumbi
$20.00 TJ Fritts University of Tennessee
$20.00 Madison Vaughn San Jose State University
$20.00 Gopikrishnan Mohan
$20.00 Tabitha Norton University of Toronto
$20.00 Heesun Lim
$20.00 Nirajan rana
$20.00 Juliano Cezar Vieira Zaikievicz Federal Technological University of Paraná
$20.00 Tran Tran Portland State University
$20.00 eureka tw
$20.00 Rosynes Falcon
$20.00 Marvin Okafor Covenant University
$20.00 Audrey Nguyen University of California, Irvine
$20.00 Nicky Eleuteri
$20.00 m .
$20.00 Jacqueline Duong University of California, Los Angeles
$20.00 Lester Huang Lehigh University
$20.00 TM S
$20.00 Abinash Basa
$20.00 Junye Ou University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
$6.10 Nicole Croll Carlow University
$6.10 Sree S Carnegie Mellon University
$6.10 Rasheed Oladapo
$6.10 Marina Radovanovic Queen's University
$6.10 Jeffrey Sham Johns Hopkins University
$6.10 Lewis Kim University of California, Berkeley
$6.10 Von Harris
$6.10 Miarri Phillips
$6.10 Joy Orande Brock university
$6.10 Mahbub Miah
$6.10 Khoi Tran
$6.10 Sam Pavur
$6.10 Adenilson Melo Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE
$6.10 Liliannn Yánez
$6.10 Zariah Loni Minnesota State University Moorhead
$6.10 serena Chima
$6.10 Yale Wang University of Waterloo
$6.10 Cecylia Jandura Arizona State University
$6.10 K R Georgia Institute of Technology
$6.10 Destiny Gilliland California State University, Long Beach
$6.10 Andrew Hsia Western Governors University
$6.10 Phillips Staninski University of Chicago
$6.10 Suzzette Castellano
$6.10 Nickk Thanh
$6.10 Gail Jardine University of Rochester
$6.10 Yedi Undang Karyadi
$6.10 Nikhil Patil McMaster University
$6.10 jason igiran Sikkim Manipal University
$6.10 Hager Mohammad University of Toronto
$6.10 Linda Gelzer
$6.10 Bridgette Hilton Liberty University
$6.10 Oladipupo Shennaike
$6.10 Jason Calalo
Submission questions

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