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How can banking machines capture customer attention?
Challenge Type: business
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top 10
123 months

As technological advancements improve the banking industry, it will continue to give bank customers the opportunity to have their needs met without making plans to visit a location and speak to a bank teller. However, for customers who are used to waiting in line to speak with a teller, we need to figure out the best way to capture their attention and convince them to use self-service banking machines instead of ignoring the machine and waiting in line.


Please complete the following:

1) What unique method would you use to capture the attention of people as they walked by a self-service bank machine?

2) Specifically, what features (sounds, displays, lights, etc.) would capture the attention of a customer? Why do you feel this would work?

3) Attach an artistic rendering (design, sketch, mockup, etc.) showing how your solution would work when a passing customer walked by the banking machine.

Criteria: If you need help getting started, try exploring any of the technologies below to help you create your submission. Also, feel free to go beyond any these ideas and be creative!

- Bluetooth technology

- Light emitting or pulse/sound emitting beacon technology

- Gesture-based technology like the Microsoft Kinect

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
5 Winners
will receive $150 each
5 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$150.00 kjs8718 Truman State University
$150.00 vponomarenko San Diego State University
$150.00 Milss Sims Kaplan University
$150.00 Micah Rubin smcm
$150.00 Justin Jimenez California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
$50.00 Chelsea Stovall University of Texas at Austin
$50.00 Mandeep Patel University of Texas at Austin
$50.00 Jessicah Wood University of California, Santa Cruz
$50.00 Jacob Cordova Western Washington University
$50.00 Charles Herrera Johns Hopkins University
Submission questions

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