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How should we re-engineer kitchen cabinets to make them more accessible?
Challenge Type: engineering
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99 months

In today's market, many home owners find themselves placing seldom used items on the top shelves of their wall cabinets, or in the cabinet above the refrigerator. These home owners currently lack a solution for gaining easy access to these locations. This is especially prevalent in homes with tall ceilings, as the wall cabinets in the kitchen typically become taller.

We are interested in exploring different solutions to help home owners access these high locations in their kitchens more easily.


Please complete the following:

1) Propose a solution that would help home owners access high locations in their kitchen cabinets more easily.

2) Include a mockup showing the design for your solution, and how it would fit well in a kitchen setting. Be sure to include:

- Materials you would use to construct your solution (if necessary)

- Highlight any specific engineering requirements that would be necessary to implement the solution

3) Explain why you think your solution would work effectively.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
Top 10%
will share $1,000
Next 15%
will share $400
Next 25%
will share $200
Actual individual rewards will be based on the total number of eligible solutions.
$142.90 Pedro M University of Providence
$142.90 Cole Click James Madison University
$142.90 sherry underwood
$142.90 J J McDowell Randolph Community College
$142.90 Tanner Lambert South Dakota State University
$142.90 Oscar Wong University of Illinois
$142.90 Miles White University of South Florida
$44.40 A Vidyesh Rao
$44.40 Ossama El Nadi York University
$44.40 Sangi Rama The Ohio State University
$44.40 Siranjeevi D Columbia University
$44.40 Wesley Gatlin Wynne High School
$44.40 Sierra Price
$44.40 Malena Mendez-Padron
$44.40 bawatt
$44.40 Jennifer Miller Walden University
$13.30 Joseph Valderrama University of Central Florida
$13.30 Matthew Gaiser Queen's University
$13.30 Dan Metzler University of California at San Diego
$13.30 Gideon Blah National Institute of Technology Trichy
$13.30 Anurag Vemula National Institute of Technology Trichy
$13.30 Anna Michaud University of New England
$13.30 Rimjhim .. Johns Hopkins University
$13.30 Devin Gustus Pasco-Hernando State College
$13.30 J C University of Phoenix
$13.30 Sally Abouzied Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
$13.30 Robert S Cinnamon Virginia Community College System
$13.30 Subbaiah Srinivasan
$13.30 Vihang Jumle University of Mumbai
$13.30 Tarun Jha University of Florida
$13.30 Archit Nandi University of Florida
Submission questions

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