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How would you use a high-speed Internet connection in your car?
Challenge Type: computer science
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top 10
118 months

The world is rapidly getting more connected. Imagine now that all cars come with a built-in internet connection, offering the opportunity to integrate more of the rest of your life with your vehicle.


Please submit the following:

1) How would you use a high-speed connection in your vehicle in your day-to-day? Specifically, walk us through your average day in detail and how the vehicle’s connection would improve your life.

2) List all the challenges you see with your use-case. How would you overcome these challenges?

Criteria: Keep the following in mind as you create your solution:

- Consider ideas that emphasize the role of the vehicle over the role of the phone or other brought-in devices.

- Be creative and ignore common ideas such as streaming audio, watching Netflix, posting to social media and navigation apps.

- Keep in mind some ideas may not be limited to in-vehicle experiences, but could also apply to use-cases to remotely interact with the vehicle.

- Don’t be constrained by what cars today can do. Assume you can build in capabilities to the vehicle to enable your idea, and be sure to tell us what those are.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
5 Winners
will receive $150 each
5 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$150.00 Adhithya Ramakumar Indiana University
$150.00 Tiffany Reeser Tennessee Tech University
$150.00 Michelle Smith University of Maryland
$150.00 Daniel James California State University at Fullerton
$150.00 Nicholas Pereira University of Texas at Austin
$50.00 Danny Kim University of Massachusettes, Boston
$50.00 Isabella Fojut udallas
$50.00 Tiffany Lee Barnard College
$50.00 Gautam Prem Jain Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi
$50.00 Weiwei Li University of Toronto
Submission questions

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