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How would you improve the insurance claim process for customers?
Challenge Type: computer science
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86 months

When people experience auto or property losses, such as a car accident, they need to communicate the details of what happened to their insurance company in order to file a claim.  We want to make it as easy as possible for customers to tell their 'story' of what happened.  We understand that our customers have just experienced a stressful event and that they want to be able to explain what happened one time in a way that's quick and clear.  

Our current process provides customers with several options to report a claim: call the 1-800 number, contact your agent, or report it yourself using an online application.  The online application feels like completing a form and may limit customers' ability to really tell their story of what happened.  


We want to improve upon our current system so that customers can explain their story of the auto or property loss to their insurance company in a way that is easy, simple, and makes them feel heard.  

Before you answer the deliverables: We recommend talking with your friends or family who may have experienced an auto or property loss so you can learn about the claim process they experienced.  How did they report a claim?  What about the process was easy, and what was difficult?  How would they have liked to explain what happened to them?  


  1. How should customers notify and communicate their story of what happened to their insurance company?  (ex: channels, technologies, etc.) *Please think above and beyond the traditional methods of reporting a claim.  We are especially interested in digital solutions. 
  2. Describe any specific steps required by the customer when using your method to report a claim. 
  3. How is your idea smooth, easy, and intuitive for the customer?  Keep in mind they have most likely just experienced this loss.

Bonus: Explain how you arrived at your idea. Did you interview any of your friends or family?  

Considerations: We are currently exploring solutions that use photos, video, audio recordings, and vehicle telematics.  We are open to related ideas, but we are also interested in completely new solutions!

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
  • Adoptive
  • Ease/Simplicity
Reward Tiers
Top 10%
will share $1,000
Next 15%
will share $400
Next 25%
will share $200
Actual individual rewards will be based on the total number of eligible solutions.
$100.00 Cyril Sebastian Government college of engineering ,Trivandrum,Kerala,India
$100.00 Kat Claar University
$100.00 Craig Gordon
$100.00 Andrew Murray University of Edinburgh
$100.00 Dat Tran The Catholic University of America
$100.00 John McEwen University of Florida
$100.00 Samantha Thompson Brock University
$100.00 David Fadare
$100.00 Asumpter Kiio Kenyatta university
$100.00 Matthew Gaiser Queen's University
$26.70 Jennifer Miller Walden University
$26.70 Claire Perkins University of Texas in Austin
$26.70 Kevin Dwyer Texas A&M University
$26.70 Sophie Zhao McGill University
$26.70 Enahoro Enas Tennessee Tech University
$26.70 Cartrina Cobb Penn Foster
$26.70 Sarah Gustafson Penn Foster
$26.70 Prateek Mittal Georgia Institute of Technology
$26.70 Dyllan Hancott Yorkville University
$26.70 Daniel Wekesa Virginia Community College System
$26.70 Matt Ohlson University of Virginia
$26.70 Quinn Ballinger University of Ottawa
$26.70 Kevin Satterwhite Penn Foster
$26.70 Danielle Albro
$26.70 Vu Cu University of California, Los Angeles
$8.00 Ajay Sharma JAMK University of Applied Science,Finland
$8.00 Krista Jones Virginia Commonwealth University
$8.00 Dr. Janelle Christine Simmons Liberty University
$8.00 Noah Montgomery
$8.00 Rosh Adhikari Webster University
$8.00 Clarissa Carden Griffith University
$8.00 Sumana Mahata UCSD
$8.00 Nathan Bennett University of Lethbridge
$8.00 Raveena Karjodkar Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi
$8.00 Josh Lyman University of Oregon
$8.00 Shivani Tomar H N B garhwal
$8.00 Gayle Heskiel
$8.00 Ethan Wu Columbia University
$8.00 Kyle Peters University of South Florida
$8.00 Ayo Akinkugbe
$8.00 Pravin Raj Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
$8.00 Saleem Masadeh New Mexico State University
$8.00 George Kiprono Tonuy JKUAT
$8.00 Shannon Pinnell North Carolina State University
$8.00 PrettyPicture PrettyPicture sussex
$8.00 Festus Musyoki Moi University
$8.00 Jimish Kholapure L.D College Of Engineering
$8.00 Junwei Tan University of Minnesota
$8.00 Elizabeth Harman Colorado State University - Global
$8.00 Chloe Leung Pennsylvania State University
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