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How could an app teach new employees about group life and health insurance?
Challenge Type: computer science
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84 months

For many recent entrants to the workforce, group life and health insurance is an entirely new decision. To help them make the choice that's right for them, we feel that we need a better way to explain the basics of group life and health insurance, what's covered, and how it all works.

Guardian has traditionally used printed materials, education/enrollment seminars, and the web to introduce new workers to group life and health. Our marketing has primarily focused on each type of coverage, but we have done little to present prospective members with everything in one place. Most workers don't even see an "insurance 101" during their decision process. 

We want to fix that by coming up with an app that will clearly and quickly explain the basics and options available. We don't want anything that's too long, intimidating, boring, or complicated. Instead, strive for engaging, informative, and easy to navigate, allowing users to drill down to the level of detail they want.


Explain how you would organize and design an app that tells new workforce entrants about the basics and options for group life and health insurance. In your response, answer the following in detail:

  1. How would you present an Insurance 101 section? If the user wants to learn more about any of the basic explanations, how could your app design allow them to explore more?
  2. How would you let the user compare options? What about your design and structure keeps the worker's options from being intimidating, confusing, or overwhelming?
  3. Optional: Include visuals to illustrate your design features.
    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
Top 10%
will share $1,000
Next 15%
will share $400
Next 25%
will share $200
Actual individual rewards will be based on the total number of eligible solutions.
$100.00 Kat Claar University
$100.00 Kacen Moody Brigham Young University
$100.00 Dominik Gregurek Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek
$100.00 Sharicia Mason Jacobs University Bremen
$100.00 Hardik Bhaavani Christ College, Rajkot
$100.00 Sultanna Krispil Minerva Schools at KGI
$100.00 Sophie Zhao McGill University
$100.00 Lisa Mpee Cleveland State University
$100.00 Ajay Sharma JAMK University of Applied Science,Finland
$100.00 Dr. Janelle Christine Simmons Liberty University
$26.70 Kristen Rose
$26.70 Danielle Jacqueline fanshawe college
$26.70 Festus Musyoki Moi University
$26.70 Monica Mutua Nairobi University
$26.70 Nareendran r Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai
$26.70 Jamal Syed Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
$26.70 Adithya Mohan Georgia Institute of Technology
$26.70 Dallas Platt University of Queensland
$26.70 ganesh kumar Anna University
$26.70 K B Ferris State University
$26.70 Matthew Gaiser Queen's University
$26.70 Jason Parpia University of Central Florida
$26.70 Mei W James Madison University
$26.70 Jennifer Pence Harvard University
$26.70 Karee Levy University of North Carolina at Wilmington
$8.30 Lexi Brandt University of Notre Dame
$8.30 Samantha Thompson Brock University
$8.30 Julia Smith Washington University in St. Louis
$8.30 Claudia Alejandra Castro Lozano Indiana University
$8.30 Raveena Karjodkar Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi
$8.30 Gustavo Montoya Cam UTEC
$8.30 Tarun Jha University of Florida
$8.30 Ayo Akinkugbe
$8.30 Paula Judkowiak Baruch College
$8.30 Akshat Gandhi University of Mumbai
$8.30 Jenna Hein University of Memphis
$8.30 Kathleen Muir University of British Columbia
$8.30 Asumpter Kiio Kenyatta university
$8.30 Sangi Rama The Ohio State University
$8.30 Ujjwal Batra Virginia Commonwealth University
$8.30 Lynn Hadley University of Central Florida
$8.30 Roberto Gulisano Fermi
$8.30 Jennifer Miller Walden University
$8.30 Derrick Wesley University of New Orleans
$8.30 Jon Mills University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
$8.30 Amna Choudry University of Toronto
$8.30 Emily Hsiao University of California at Berkeley
$8.30 Amy Booker Carleton University
$8.30 Rosita Chan University of Alberta
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