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Can you help us create the snack of the future?
Challenge Type: food science
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top 10
67 months

There's a growing consumer preference for snacks and mini-meals rather than the traditional three square meals a day.  In fact, packaged snack consumption is increasing globally at 5%, and today's on-the-go consumers are eating an average of 4-5 snack foods a day! We want to offer consumers the ideal snack food.  This snack should be something new that isn't on shelves today and that consumers (or a segment of them) will be excited to try!


We are interested in new ideas for the ideal snack.  Specifically, answer the following: 

  1. What is your idea for a new ideal snack? (it can be a solid or liquid snack)
  2. Tell us more about your ideal snack:
    1. What are the ingredients?  (Be specific as to what foods and ingredients would be included.  For example, if you suggest a grain component, tell us which grain.)
    2. Describe the flavor profile. In addition to the ingredients (above), what flavors should we include (think spices, herbs, etc.)?  Will the overall flavor be sweet?  Savory?  A combination of the two?
    3. How would you describe the texture of the snack?  And why do you think it would capture the interests of consumers?
  3. How and when would the product be consumed?  Do you see it replacing something that a person already consumes?  Would it replace a meal?
  4. Where would you expect to find this snack?  A grocery store?  A coffee shop?  A convenience store?  An online subscription service?  Somewhere else?
  5. What would the packaging be for your snack? 
    1. How does the packaging impact or aid the way in which it is consumed? 
    2. Does the packaging lend itself to a snack that is one serving or multiple servings?  How does the packaging make this evident and/or convenient to the consumer?  
    3. Optional but preferred: Include a visual to illustrate your idea. 
  6. Who is the target consumer? (e.g. age, gender if relevant, ethnicity, etc.)
    1. Why is it a perfect fit for this target consumer?
    2. What need(s) does it serve?
  7. How much would you be willing to pay for a single portion of your proposed snack?
  8. What are the benefits of consuming this product? 
  9. Finally, tell us briefly why your snack idea is different than existing snack options! 

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Rating
Reward Tiers
10 Winners
will receive $80 each
$80.00 Devora Fish Lesley University
$80.00 corina amarioarei Carleton University
$80.00 Sergio Santana University of Toronto
$80.00 Jacqueline Duong University of California, Los Angeles
$80.00 Alex West University of Edinburgh
$80.00 Millicent Tan De La Salle University - Manila
$80.00 Pedro M University of Providence
$80.00 Kate Rushton Nottingham
$80.00 Anusha Sharma Penn Foster
$80.00 Olachi Emer Town University
Submission questions

What is your country of residence?


If you selected other above, what is your country of residence?

What is your city of residence?


On a scale of 1 (not important) to 10 (very important), how important is it that the packaging of your ideal snack is sustainable? 

1 (not important)
10 (very important)

Please briefly explain your answer to the above 1-10 scale question (i.e. the rating you gave to the importance of sustainable packaging for your ideal snack):

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