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Kiss The Frog! Find Value in Seemingly Useless Things!
Challenge Type: business
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34 months

There are many things that seemingly have no (commercial, social or ecological) value, like old truck tarps, some unused processing power on your computer, the remains of your last meal or the tabs open on your computer

We believe if you look closely enough, then you may discover some dormant value. Old truck tarps can become beautiful backpacks (, your unused computer power can be used by someone else (, the remains of your last meal can turn into the biogas that heats your home and even your internet data can earn you money(!

We challenge you to find things no one in their right senses would attribute any value. What is it and how can you breathe life into it? Use your imagination and kiss the frog! We want your crazy out-of-the-box ideas!

                                                                                                                       image source:


We are NOT looking for ideas related to Recycling, Arts & Crafts, Furniture or Plant containers. 

The more Unusual and Original, the better! *

1) What seemingly “useless” item can be of  social, ecological or commercial value?

2) Explain how you would make use of such an item. Please include drawings, photos and mockups to strengthen your idea.


Submissions will be graded on the following criteria: 

  • Uniqueness of your ideas (33.3%)
  • Impact in terms of waste avoidance and creation of new value (33.3%)
  • Feasibility, i.e. can it be implemented in reasonable time with reasonable effort (33.3%)

Submission questions

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