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What is your tasty, nutrient-dense food idea - FOR KIDS?
Challenge Type: food science
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top 22
48 months

We recently launched a challenge seeking your ideas for tasty and convenient nutrient-dense foods.  Today, we are interested in new food concepts that are nutritionally powerful but geared specifically towards kids!  New food ideas should be something that would be appealing to kids aged 6-17 (or the parents shopping for them!).  They need to be easy to eat, tasty, and presented in an appealing way.  

Your new food idea might build off of an existing food offering by enhancing it's nutrient density / benefits,  or it could be a completely new food concept that you've never seen before on shelves.  The more creative and unique the idea, the better.

Additionally, we want you to focus on nutrient-dense foods that offer functional benefits.  Functional foods go beyond basic nutritional requirements to deliver a specific, positive impact on your health.   Functional foods tend to be whole, enriched, fortified, or otherwise enhanced foods. 


We are interested in nutrient-dense food ideas that kids ages 6 through 17 will love.  Your food idea should be tasty, convenient, and presented in an appealing way.  Top ideas will be creative and offer specific functional benefits to kid consumers.  

Please begin by answering the survey questions.  Next, share your nutrient-dense food idea by answering the following:

  1. Tell us all about your nutrient-dense food idea for kids age 6-17!  Be sure to include the following:
    1. What it is, including any major ingredients
    2. How it would be prepared and/or eaten
    3. How many people it would feed and/or an estimate of how many servings it would contain
    4. Where in the grocery store you would expect to find it (ex: frozen section, produce, etc.)
  2. What are the key nutritional and/or functional benefits of your food?
  3. How would you communicate the benefits of your food idea to consumers? What would you focus on?  (think of the label, the name of the food, packaging, etc.) **Remember your food idea is intended for kids.
  4. Why would kids be excited to try your food idea?  Why would parents be open to / excited to buy it? Remember we are looking for foods that are tasty and easy to eat.
  5. Would there be anything unique or special about the packaging for your nutrient-dense food idea?  Include a drawing (even a sketch) if it  helps to explain your packaging idea!


  • We are not looking for recipes.  This should be a standalone food product that you would find in a food store.
  • Remember the importance of food ingredients that are recognizable and presented in a way in which consumers will understand key benefits / nutrients.  
  • If you submitted a nutrient-dense food idea to our previous challenge, please submit a NEW concept.  If your previous idea was already suited for children, please be sure to explain the unique benefits of your food idea for kids as well as any additional information (packaging, marketing, etc.) that may relate more specifically to our kids challenge.

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • 1-10 Scale
Reward Tiers
10 Winners
will receive $100 each
12 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$100.00 m .
$100.00 Nikhil Patil McMaster University
$100.00 TM S
$100.00 Olivia Wendell Honolulu community college
$100.00 Tom Nardone Boston University
$100.00 Sree S Carnegie Mellon University
$100.00 Rachel Smith SUNY Potsdam
$100.00 Shane Jenkins University of Notre Dame
$100.00 Gerald Okafor University of Manchester
$100.00 Vy Hoang Ryerson University
$50.00 Aditi Maheshwari University of Toronto
$50.00 n r
$50.00 Elise Sokolow New York University
$50.00 Gina Binns
$50.00 Courtney Mizerak The College of William & Mary
$50.00 Marina Radovanovic Queen's University
$50.00 Genevieve Kalinowski Brandon University
$50.00 Daniel Adeleke Lautech
$50.00 Rave Lamba Queen's University
$50.00 Rosynes Falcon
$50.00 K B Ferris State University
$50.00 Maria Tatika
Submission questions

What is your age?

under 18
18 - 22
23 - 26
27 - 30
30 - 35

How do you identify your ethnicity?

Native American
Pacific Islander
Prefer not to answer

Do you follow any of the diets below?  Select the one that best applies to you.

Traditional / Do not follow a specific diet

Do you find it difficult to find nutrient-dense foods today? 

yes - it is difficult
no - it is not difficult
NA - this is not something I'm looking for / prioritizing

What functional benefit(s) would you be most excited to see in a food item? For example, the food might be fortified with a certain nutrient, help protect against disease, promote growth and development, etc.  Please share your top one or two functional benefits below:


Please summarize your nutrient-dense food idea for kids in one sentence or a few words.

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