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Propose a new data visualization diagram to track treatment gaps for diabetes
Challenge Type: computer science
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top 10
117 months

Type II Diabetes has become one of the largest public health problems for society affecting nearly 30 million people in the US. To curb the alarming trend of rising diabetes, patients need personalized treatment that funnels them through the proper therapies for their condition. There are multiple treatment options a patient can go through before ending up on insulin, and too often patients are given generalized “one-size fits all” treatment that doesn’t factor in their specific needs.

By aggregating vast amounts of patient data from medical records, insurance claims, online forums, social networks and other real world sources, life science researchers are able to piece together the different treatment steps and healthcare events a real life patient with diabetes could go through. Researchers would like to leverage the vast amount of real life data to identify unmet medical needs, understand effectiveness of current treatment options and figure out the relationships between treatment pathways and outcomes.


Please submit the following:

1) Design a data visualization system that identifies gaps in current treatment pathways by highlighting the effects of improper treatments (ex. hospital visits, high/low blood sugar events).

2) How would a researcher using your system be able to easily identify gaps of current therapies?

3) Attach a mockup or sketch of what your proposed visualization diagram would look like.

Criteria: Please include the following in your visualization mockup

• The visualization should show allow researchers to follow patient journeys over time

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
5 Winners
will receive $150 each
5 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$150.00 Amber O'Connor University of Alabama at Birmingham
$150.00 Emma Barratt swansea
$150.00 davidlee2016 Northwestern University
$150.00 Maddy ladin Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay
$150.00 S Sakamosa Oregon State University
$50.00 Melissa Williamson Stanford University
$50.00 Patrick Hompe Princeton University
$50.00 Jerry Kain Northern Illinois University
$50.00 Suyash Dhoot Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
$50.00 Elizabeth Taggart Brigham Young University
Submission questions

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