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What is the absolute coolest thing you could do with a smart window?
Challenge Type: business
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top 50%
94 months

Smart windows mean something different to everyone. From thermochromism, electrochromism, and photochromism, to the ability to serve as windows and solar panels simultaneously, the possibilities are endless.

Maybe windows replace televisions in the future. Maybe their features become something you can control with your phone. We just want to know the coolest or most valuable thing you can imagine a smart window doing in the future.


Propose at least one groundbreaking idea for the future of smart windows. In your response, explain the following:

  1. What could you do with smart windows that would make them incredibly amazing, cool, or valuable?
  2. How would the technology behind your idea work?
  3. How would someone interact with your idea? Is it something a person would turn on, activate in some other way, or does it occur continuously?
  4. Include a visual to illustrate your idea.
    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
Top 10%
will share $1,000
Next 15%
will share $400
Next 25%
will share $200
Actual individual rewards will be based on the total number of eligible solutions.
$52.60 Bill Smith CWU
$52.60 Shaunda Wiering Brown College
$52.60 Carol Truong-Cat University of Guelph
$52.60 Hani Choksi McMaster University
$52.60 Madison Frerking University of the Incarnate Word
$52.60 Enahoro Enas Tennessee Tech University
$52.60 Ryan Caporale Texas A&M University
$52.60 Rebecca Wu University of Texas at Austin
$52.60 Jamie Stanton University of Dayton
$52.60 Josh Lyman University of Oregon
$52.60 Jacob Schwing University of Central Florida
$52.60 Morghan Miller North Hennepin Community College
$52.60 Siranjeevi D Columbia University
$52.60 Samantha Machado University of King's College
$52.60 Aaron Truett Southeastern Louisiana University
$52.60 Alara Deniz Istanbul Technical University
$52.60 Irene Lai University of Waterloo
$52.60 K R Georgia Institute of Technology
$52.60 Austin Pearl Babson College
$14.30 Mitchell Woolley Central Michigan University
$14.30 Francis Daniel Santia Harvard University
$14.30 Rachel Vaughan McGill University
$14.30 Samantha Thompson Brock University
$14.30 hdaigneault
$14.30 Zoey Cook University of Arizona
$14.30 Collin McCourt University of Pittsburgh
$14.30 Aditi Gupta XLRI Jamshedpur
$14.30 Sharicia Mason Jacobs University Bremen
$14.30 Matthew Gaiser Queen's University
$14.30 boris shmuylovich phillips academy andover
$14.30 rachel bangura Wilfrid Laurier University
$14.30 Rutvi Varia Nirma University
$14.30 Sudharshan Chandra Babu National Institute of Technology Trichy
$14.30 Nick Comparetto St. John's University
$14.30 nick.kaelin
$14.30 Dr. Janelle Christine Simmons Liberty University
$14.30 Gehad Omran Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport
$14.30 Celestina Garcia Indiana University
$14.30 Jazmen Carolina Penn Foster
$14.30 Oscar Lamb University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
$14.30 Daniel Patterson Arizona State University
$14.30 Yasmin Molune Assumption University
$14.30 Hoshedar Bamji Northeastern University
$14.30 Erin Ricafrente Southwestern Adventist University
$14.30 Ajay Sharma JAMK University of Applied Science,Finland
$14.30 Tyler Hughes New Jersey Institute of Technology
$14.30 Vincent Yam University of British Columbia
$4.30 Raj Agarwal Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay
$4.30 Jesse Lu University of California at San Diego
$4.30 Edward Diaz University of the Philippines Diliman
$4.30 Nikola Pupić McMaster University
$4.30 Megan Stoothoff Stetson University
$4.30 Abhishek Ghangas Vellore institute of technology
$4.30 Siddharath Kanneganthi Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation
$4.30 Rachel Gaspar University of Southern California
$4.30 Amit Kothekar University of Michigan
$4.30 rakshanda boob vnsgu
$4.30 Nitin Maurya Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay
$4.30 dksamarasinghe West Virginia University
$4.30 Eric Lee Washington University in St. Louis
$4.30 RAHUL SASIDHARAN College of Engineering, Trivandrum
$4.30 Mohamed Elshahidi Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
$4.30 Yaxin Li University of California at Berkeley
$4.30 Derin Thomas SUNY at Stony Brook
$4.30 Krishna Kadiyala University of Texas at Dallas
$4.30 Merrily McCarthy fresnostate
$4.30 Juliet Selebalo African Leadership University
$4.30 Faronbi Michael Ternopil National Technical University
$4.30 Erick Chong
$4.30 Rishav Bose University of Technology Sydney
$4.30 Kashish Mittal Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur
$4.30 Archit Nandi University of Florida
$4.30 Hardik Bhaavani Christ College, Rajkot
$4.30 Zaara Ahmad University of Technology Sydney
$4.30 josephoreskos
$4.30 Adarsh TR National Institute of Technology Calicut
$4.30 Diego Salinas University of California at San Diego
$4.30 Jamal Baghezza Penn Foster
$4.30 Hunter Boleman California State University, Dominguez Hills
$4.30 Meagan Bartlett Columbus State Community College
$4.30 Alex Goldstein Temple University
$4.30 Wendy Wachtel
$4.30 Sarah McCabe BCIT
$4.30 Mohamed Gaber Minerva Schools at KGI
$4.30 Olivia Horowitz Purdue University
$4.30 Jerome Farquharson Seneca
$4.30 Lyndsey estep Taylor University
$4.30 Khalia Fluker Penn Foster
$4.30 Mo Talukder Long Island University
$4.30 Ryan Nelson LSUS
$4.30 Fatima Ghiasi University of Windsor
$4.30 Lidia Henirquez
$4.30 Hannah Miller Central College of Pella, Iowa
Submission questions

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