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Stew up a new chili recipe
Challenge Type: food science
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Chili historically is eaten at dinner with a small percentage at lunch. The bulk of chili meals are made from scratch at home over the weekend. There are usually leftovers that can be brought to work the following week and eaten for lunch. Chili is typically made with beef, beans and tomatoes as a base and usually includes toppers or cornbread or added fresh ingredients to complete the meal.


We are interested in new ideas for homemade quality, chili. Be creative and suggest unique flavors, ingredients, or ethnic twists that differentiate your proposal from what is available today in the grocery store.

Please submit an idea for a chili meal that can be prepared within a 30 minute range. This could mean ready-to-heat-and-eat, or an idea that requires 30 minutes or less of prep time. Your solution must include:

1) An artistic rendering (picture, mockup, diagram, etc.) of the assembly necessary for your idea

2) A written list of the ingredients necessary, spices, and/or toppings you would use. The recipe must contain food ingredients that are GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe).

3) A list of preparation steps for the meal

4) Your recommendation for how to consume


Your solution must follow the criteria below:

1) Must be able to prepare the chili within ~30 minutes

2) Chili CANNOT include seafood/shellfish

3) Can be sold on-shelf or in the refrigerator (you can choose)

4) Special consideration for solutions that incorporate “freshness” of some sort into the recipe

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
3 Winners
will receive $150 each
3 Honorable Mentions
will receive $50 each
$150.00 Constantine Spyrou University of California at Davis
$150.00 Carrie Yard University of Tennessee
$150.00 Vivian Nguyen University of Maryland
$50.00 Gina Binns Towson University
$50.00 Julianne Wilhelm University of South Florida
$50.00 Clark Conner North Carolina State University
Submission questions

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