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Uncover the highest quality GitHub repositories
Challenge Type: computer science
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top 2
134 months

GitHub has an extensive database of public repositories. Wouldn't it be interesting to find out which are the most active and gain insights into which are the highest quality?

Imagine that you have to rate GitHub repositories. Using the GitHub API (, do some calculations to give a rating to repositories. To start, every star or commit increases the rating by 1, and every 5 issues decreases the rating by 1.


Send us the code for the program you wrote to compute the top 5 repositories, as well as a list of the top 5 repositories and their associated ratings.

If you feel like getting creative, you have the option of coming up with your own rating system. If you choose to do that, please explain (briefly) why you think that your rating system is superior and please provide a code sample of your rating system and the top 5 repositories according to your system.

Lastly, analyze the run-time of your program and tell us which class of the Big-O functions it most closely follows. Reference:

Note: Don't worry about any limitations caused by the GitHub API. We're more interested in your approach to rating, and less concerned by the final results (especially if you're limited to a certain number of repos).

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
2 Winners
will receive $150 each
$150.00 Ben Christensen Michigan Technological University
$150.00 Mason Schneider Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Submission questions

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