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How can virtual reality enhance the customer banking experience?
Challenge Type: computer science
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top 50%
94 months

The exciting new medium of virtual reality has been taking the world by storm! Gaming and entertainment have revolutionized the user experience and their industries using this awesome technology. Although many other industries are looking to adopt VR, the full scope of its potential applications remains unrealized. We are looking to pioneer its use in banking. We want to use VR to enhance the banking experience for customers, and we invite YOU to tell us how!


How can virtual reality be used to enhance a customer’s banking experience? In your response please address the following:

  1. What areas of a customer’s banking experience do you believe can be enhanced with virtual reality technology? Would you focus mainly within online banking, brick and mortar locations, ATMs, or somewhere else?
  2. Specifically, what previous banking process(es) or customer experience(s) would you replace or enhance with virtual reality technology?
  3. How would these applications of virtual reality improve the customer’s banking experience?
  4. Provide a visual to demonstrate what a virtual reality banking interface might look like.
    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
Top 10%
will share $1,000
Next 15%
will share $400
Next 25%
will share $200
Actual individual rewards will be based on the total number of eligible solutions.
$55.60 Cerro McGoey Thompson Rivers University
$55.60 Sam Burba California State University, Chico
$55.60 Dylan Gamache University of Central Florida
$55.60 Brandt Dietry University of Central Florida
$55.60 Maxfield Green University of Vermont
$55.60 Vijay Kumar University of hyderabad
$55.60 Rosh Adhikari Webster University
$55.60 Matthew Gaiser Queen's University
$55.60 Edward Diaz University of the Philippines Diliman
$55.60 Katlynn Schmick University of Minnesota
$55.60 Mohana Manikandan Curtin University
$55.60 Mark Rodel Esparagoza De La Salle University
$55.60 Taponitya Samantaray University of Hyderabad
$55.60 Kirsty Park Dublin City University
$55.60 RAHUL SASIDHARAN College of Engineering, Trivandrum
$55.60 Larissa Duggan York University, Toronto
$55.60 Pedro M University of Providence
$55.60 ganesh kumar Anna University
$15.40 Lars Karlstroem University of the Sunshine Coast
$15.40 Fatima Ghiasi University of Windsor
$15.40 Jamie Stanton University of Dayton
$15.40 Haley Grooms University of Central Florida
$15.40 Hardik Bhaavani Christ College, Rajkot
$15.40 Erod Keaton Baybay Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
$15.40 Rachel Sweetman
$15.40 Michelle Dobbs University of Chicago
$15.40 Praveen Venkatesan Anna University, India
$15.40 Victoria Ogden University of Ottawa
$15.40 Allyson Ventura University of Central Florida
$15.40 Tasneem Singh San Diego State University
$15.40 Dr. Janelle Christine Simmons Liberty University
$15.40 Mertcan Coşkun Marmara University
$15.40 Cameron Ross American University
$15.40 James Kimondio MOI UNIVERSITY
$15.40 Mitchell Woolley Central Michigan University
$15.40 Ehab Z Michigan State University
$15.40 Yaxin Li University of California at Berkeley
$15.40 Tarun Jha University of Florida
$15.40 Marissa Kingzett Quest University Canada
$15.40 Nicholas Lenfant Clarkson University
$15.40 Caroline Campbell University of Central Florida
$15.40 Anthony Delgado Western Oregon University
$15.40 Mickia Simmons Eastern Michigan University
$15.40 Daniel Patterson Arizona State University
$4.70 Ryan Snaadt Simpson College
$4.70 Luke Gell University of Central Florida
$4.70 Danielle Smith The University of the West Indies
$4.70 Michael Piccola North Carolina State University
$4.70 Dumna Joshi University of Miami
$4.70 Robert Duell University of Central Florida
$4.70 Crystal Siemonidis Penn Foster
$4.70 Jonathan Hundman Iowa State University of Science and Technology
$4.70 Maddie Chyczij Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts
$4.70 Adedokun Adedoyin Northeastern University
$4.70 Maria Belanger Langara College
$4.70 Josh Lyman University of Oregon
$4.70 Ahmed ELyamany Faculty of Computers & Information - Cairo University
$4.70 Jeremy McComas University of Central Florida
$4.70 Matthew Stanley Gonzaga University
$4.70 Brandon Sunshine Syracuse University
$4.70 Sumana Mahata UCSD
$4.70 Gretchen Schmidt Colorado State University
$4.70 Jackson Risley University of Central Florida
$4.70 sarah miller University of Kentucky
$4.70 Sam Alex Montclair State University
$4.70 Christina Campos Flores Penn Foster
$4.70 Jasmine Vanstone York University
$4.70 Isaac Schenck Millersville
$4.70 Yasmin Molune Assumption University
$4.70 Aileen Gutierrez edu
$4.70 Emily Sarasa University of Central Florida
$4.70 Dennis Brown University of Central Florida
$4.70 Hannah Miller Central College of Pella, Iowa
$4.70 Rinita Nair University of North Carolina at Charlotte
$4.70 Alexis Sanchez Clemson University
$4.70 Zachary McHenry University of Central Florida
$4.70 Hunter Boleman California State University, Dominguez Hills
$4.70 Simon Vargas University of Central Florida
$4.70 Veronica Matsubuchi-Bremner
$4.70 Farrell Tamke Marist College at Poughkeepsie
$4.70 Tyler Bunton Colorado Technical University
$4.70 Emma Caraher Purdue University
$4.70 Soheil Sadeghi
$4.70 Akihiro Miki University of California at San Diego
$4.70 Archit Nandi University of Florida
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