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Sample cover letter for Internship position at Amazon
Amazon could benefit in several ways from the combination of the aforementioned elements and my technical skills. I am very attracted to the potential growth offered by Alten, considering the exposure to a deep technological culture, broad spectrum of applications, international experiences and development schemes. Word of mouth with some of your colleagues supports this attraction. My interest for the indicated positions is due to the intersection between my passions, my skills and the positions' features.
As stated in my CV, I completed a M.Sc. degree in Automation Engineering and then a Ph.D. degree in Learning and Control for Intelligent Automation and Robotics. I developed skills in system modelling, simulation and control considering software and human in the loop and automatic statistical learning from raw sensory data for decision strategies.
My last work experience took place in a demanding and fast paced industrial scenario. It involved skills in robotics and control system design as well as direct contact with the customer, including negotiation and training purposes. The client being represented by both technical and non-technical figures.