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Sample cover letter for Internship position at Citi




Mark Scheme: 3.5.1: Stimulus and Response

M1. (i) kinesis;
movement is random / rate of turning changes /
does not move towards/away from light;


(ii) advantage related to light/shade;
e.g. remains in shade so avoids predators



M2. (a) B – It is the 2nd contraction / occurs (immediately) after A / occurs
after atrium;
Larger / more force / more pressure;



= 37 to 38

allow 1 mark if correct working shown

max 2

(c) (i) (Heart rate) reduced;
(Stroke volume) no effect;


(ii) Reduced because C.O. = H.R. x S.V. / connection argument based on
reduced H.R;


(iii) Parasympathetic;


(d) (i) 1. Coordination via medulla (of brain) / cardiac centre;
2. (Increased) impulses along sympathetic (/ cardiac accelerator)
3. To S.A. node / pacemaker;
4. Release of noradrenalin;
5. More impulses sent from / increased rate of discharge of
S.A. node / pacemaker;

Not “beats”; not “speeds up”

6. Increased heart rate / increased stroke volume;

max 4

(ii) In exercise – More energy release / more respiration / actively
respiring muscles / for aerobic respiration;
Higher cardiac output – Increases O2 supply (to muscles);
Increases glucose supply (to muscles);
Increases CO2 removal (from muscles) /
lactate removal;
Increases heat removal (from muscles) /
for cooling;

If no “increase” – max 2 marks



M3. (a) (i) 1 and 2 share neurone but 2 and 3 have separate neurones (to brain);

Ignore wrong names of neurones


(ii) 1 unit is sub-threshold / 3 units are above threshold / give sufficient
(1 unit) No impulses / no action potential / in (sensory) neurone /
does not stimulate (sensory) neurone / 3 units → impulses;
(Spatial) summation / sufficient neurotransmitter released / from
3 receptors / insufficient N-T from one;
Reject ‘temporal’


(b) (i) (Three) different types of (cone) cells / types 6 and 7 sensitive
to different wavelengths / different frequencies / different colours;

(ii) Impulses along separate neurone from each receptor cell / each
receptor cell connects to separate neurone;



M4. (a) medulla;


(b) A increase
B increase;


(c) it spreads through the atria / right atrium / through cardiac muscle;
to the atrioventricular node;
then through conduction fibres / bundle of His/Purkyne fibres);



M5. (i) no (photo)receptor cells at Y/no rods and cones;


(ii) X has many / only cones / more cones than Z;
which each synapse to a single neurone / bipolar cell / no
retinal convergence;
ORZ has mainly rods/more rods than cones;
which share/converge on neurones/bipolar cells;



M6. (a) kinesis;(ignore ‘ortho-’ / ‘klino-’, allow ‘thermo-’, reject ‘photo-’ / ‘chemo-’ / etc)

random movements = 1 mark, eg
degree of turning / number of turns depends on strength of stimulus /
on temperature/ allow specific ref. to more turning at 35° than at 30° /
non-directional stimulus/response;

ignore ‘speed’


(b) stays longer in warmer area / at 35° / tends to leave cooler area /
to leave 30° / stays in favourable conditions ;

remains near food source / on host;



M7. (a) (i) presence of -COOH group;


(ii) similar structure so fit same protein / receptors;


(b) 2,4-D adds to effect of IAA (already present) / affects all cells;
stimulates growth in parts other than growing points / stimulates
uncontrolled growth / makes walls of cells stretch too much /
makes growth outstrip nutrient availability;



M8. (i) rhodopsin bleached/broken down by light;
time for resynthesis;


(ii) rhodopsin/pigment absorbs green light more readily than red / is
more sensitive to green light;
(after resynthesis) less (intense) green light needed to break down
rhodopsin (than red);


(iii) white has (high proportion of) wavelengths to which rhodopsin not



M9. (a) (i) arc shows 3 neurones;

(3 distinct neurones, one of which is in the grey matter, with correct route through dorsal and ventral roots and indication of synapses. Ignore position of cell bodies.)


(ii) neurones labelled sensory, relay/intermediate, motor;


(iii) muscle labelled as effector;


(b) impulses to brain;

(reject signal, message, information)

1 max


M10. (a) (i) majority of larvae move to sectors on opposite side to lamp;
(reject largest number/most in sector 19)


(ii) use heat filter in front of lamp

(allow lamp not too close);

rotate card and lamp to eliminate magnetic field;
alter direction of larval head when releasing;
(reject general references to keeping variables constant)

1 max

(iii) wide beam from lamp;
variability of organisms;
positioning of larvae variable;

1 max

(b) idea of middle value;
method of determining middle value in rank order, e.g. sector in which
300/2 occurs;



M11. (a) 1. rate of respiration increases (in muscle cells);
2. carbon dioxide concentration increases / pH falls / H+ increases /
acidity increases;
3. in blood plasma;
4. chemoreceptors;
5. in aortic / carotid bodies / medulla (accept reference to aorta /
carotid arteries not sinus)
6. (impulses to) medulla / cardioaccelerator centre;
7. increased frequency of impulses (award only once);
8. along sympathetic pathway;
9. to sinoatrial node/SAN (not pacemaker);

6 max

(b) (i) through cardiac muscle;
to atrioventricular node;
along bundle of His / Purkyne fibres;

2 max

(ii) sinoatrial node in the (right) atrium;
trace from healthy person is identical to the trace for the diseased
heart in the region of the atria / only differences seen in
trace for ventricles;



M12. (a) chloroplast, so cell photosynthesises;
moves to optimum/best light intensity for photosynthesis;
avoids damage due to bright light;

2 max

(b) (i) 2700


(ii) = 27 225 000 / 27 × 106 = 2 marks

(allow 1 mark for principle: )


(c) (i) rate slightly slower / not affected in first 20/30 minutes / lower
peak than control;
then decreases/ much lower (than control);

(allow 1 mark for increase in first 20/30 minutes, then decreased, if not compared with control/normal)

(disqualify flagellum grows longer)


(ii) 1. actinomycin has no effect (on growth of flagella);
even though mRNA production / transcription prevented;

(accept references to ‘expt 1’)

2. (re)growth little affected by puromycin at first;
protein synthesis inhibited, so likely to be using proteins



M13. (a) one mark for conclusion:maggots move to/respond to/prefer/like /red rather than green;

(reject ‘most prefer red’)

maggots move to/prefer/like areas of lower light intensity (except green);
maggots respond more to colour than light intensity / do not respond to
differences in light intensity;

(reject conclusion relating to single result)

one mark for:evidence matching conclusion:
more in red than green, but light intensity the same;
more in segments with lower light intensity;
more differences in different colours, little difference in light intensity;
large difference in number of maggots on segments with 25 a.u.
light intensity;

2 max

(b) valid statement expressed as null hypothesis, i.e. in negative
form, e.g. no difference in response to different colours / light intensities;

(must relate to a possible hypothesis)


(c) rotate box (so segments in different direction) / change order of coloured
place magnets around box / create alternative magnetic field;

1 max


M14. (a) moves to 40 °C side, then later to 20 °C;
gets lighter in hot side and darker in cool side;
lighter as it absorbs heat/darker as it loses heat;
by conduction/convection/radiation;

3 max

(b) lizard finds favourable environment;
(helps it to) maintain constant body temperature;
advantage of this, e.g. for enzyme activity;

2 max

(c) receptors in blood vessels/skin;
nerve impulses produced;
go to coordinator/brain/hypothalamus;
motor neurones send nerve impulses;
to effectors/muscles;

3 max


M16. (a) no rods at blind spot or fovea;

greater distribution of rods at edge;


(b) more rods and no / fewer cones present;

rods at the fovea / rods not mainly at periphery;

rods have high sensitivity / show retinal convergence /
converse for cones;

rhodopsin ‘bleached’ at low light intensities / iodopsin ‘bleached’;

at high light intensities;

3 max


M17. (a) pupae survive the winter;
conserves fat/energy stores;
(reject reference to pupa feeding)when no food/plants (for larva/adult);
temperature too cold for survival;

3 max

(b) dark period important;
group B has longer light period than group A but no diapause
(so not long light induced);
interruption of dark period in group C leads to no diapause
(so uninterupted dark period needed);



M18. (a) 1 pressure receptors / baroreceptors / stretch receptors;
2 in aorta / carotid arteries / carotid sinus; (reject carotid body)3 send impulses;
(reject signals / messages / electronic)4 to cardiovascular centre / medulla / cardio-inhibitory centre;
5 send impulses;(once only)6 parasympathetic nerves / vagus; (accept inhibitory nerve)
to SAN;
8 release of ACh / inhibits SAN / decreases impulses from SAN;
9 decreases impulses to AVN / decreased stimulation of AVN /

decreases impulses from AVN;

(any reference to signals / messages / electronic disqualifies points 3 and 5 only)

6 max

(b) 1 inhibit impulses in sympathetic nerves / from cardio-acceleratory centre;
2 SAN not stimulated / noradrenaline not released /
(accept inhibits / blocks synapses);3 heart rate lowers / does not increase;

2 max



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