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Sample cover letter for Internship position at Colour concepts
Dear UniversityRecruitingTeam,
Pleaseaccept myresumefor your Human Resources positions.I knowyou meet alotofstudents,but I spoke with you personallyat your informationsessiononthe CU campus and we talked alotabout SanJose, as I grewupinthe area.You had encouraged meto applyand Iam veryexcitedabout the opportunityasa wayto put mydouble major inHumanResources Management andPsychologyto good use.Ibelievemydual degree isa great fitforhumanresources positions as Ihave spentmanyclasses studyingand dissectinghumanbehavior and actions.Whenconsideringwho to hire, I thinkbeingable to “read betweenthe lines” and reallyevaluate a candidate’sinterestis a necessaryskill.
I have hadextensive experience representingtheUniversityof Colorado andI thinkthis kindofexperience translates well to humanresources as representatives areinsome ways, theface of thecompany.I have beenentrusted with orientingall incomingfreshmento theschool and amcomfortable speakingto alarge group, creatinga positive first impressionand educatingstudentsand parents onprocessesand requirements.Over the past threesummers whileinthis position, Ihave learned alot about the systems that go into runninglarge scale events and the organizationrequired to create animpressionanduphold a reputation.I coulduse these skills for yourpositions, whetherinyour humanresources department, recruitingcandidates or representingStryker ata campuscareer event.Myattentionto detail is impeccable as aremyorganizational andproblemsolvingskills.Ienjoy researchingsolutions to problems, whether itbe anemployeelookingfor benefit informationorcareer fairmaterials that didn’t arrive to their destination.
I hope tohave the opportunityto speakwith you further regardingthese openpositions.Thankyou somuch for your time.