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Sample cover letter for Internship position at EY
Business Analysr
DearMadam, Sir,
My nameis and I amwriting to expressmyinterest in Unilever.
EnclosedpleasefindmyCV, whichdetailsmyeducation and work experience; I havesummarizeditbriefly in thenextparagraphalong with some of themotivationsthatbrought me to apply for the position.
Aftermybachelordegree in business administrationat the SecondUniversityofNaples, I attendedmymasterdegreein Management and control in thesameuniversitywith anerasmusexperienceinWarsaw. In 2014 ihada 1yearMaster in Retail and Brand ManagementorganizedbyUniversityof Parma.
Thiseducationnotonlybuildstrongcompetencies businesswisethrough casestudiesandacademicalslectures,butalsogeneratedstrong interpersonal andcommunicationskills in an internationalenvironment. Thanks to thisexperience Ihadtheopportunityto live,studyand work notonly in my country.
After Master in Retail and Brand Management IjoinedBarilla Group, internationalleadingcompany in the FMCG. Thedecision ofstartingmy career in thisfieldwasdrivenby thenecessityI had, aftermystudies, to gain a set of hard and soft skills, tangibleandmeasurable, applicable toallsectors.
I workedinCustomerTeams; workingon e-Commerce anddigital. Iorganized thelaunchof Barilla Group on e-Commerce especiallyon . Icarryoutthesetasksbydevelopingstrategiestopromotebrand andcreatingaspecificassortmentforthisretailer.AssuchI monitoredrevenuescreatingreports inwhichIanalyzedKPIs(Users, sessions, pageviewsetc) . Ialsointeractedwithmembersof senior management on adailybasis,closecoordinationwithdigitaldepartmentand Ecommercemanagersofothercountries. Aconsiderablepart ofmyworkitwasalsodedicatedtoCustomerIntelligence on 1stItalianRetailerdata (Esselunga),analyzinginformationsandextractingKPIs.
Imanagedthe “e-Commerce newsletter”thatIsenteverymonthinorderto shareinformationsaboute-Commerce inItalyand Europe.
Icreated“Digital Retailscorecard” inordertoanalyzeItalianretailers’effortindigitalinitiatives, and I handled“Digital Agenda” to shareinformationsbetweenallCustomerteams.
My jobcombinedteamwork,analysis and decisions. EverydayI cooperated withcolleagues and externalagencies,keeping a positiveattitude infacingproblems andcoping with pressure.
After Barilla Group I moved in Reckitt Benckiser were i’m currently Brand Manager Assistant on a really powerful brand in pharmaceutical World: Gaviscon.
The major tasks that i daily perform are:
-New product development process, research and technical applications related to new item launches.
-Weekly and monthly market trends analysis, recommended actions to achieve annual sales and profit objectives.
-Monitor OTC and RX market through Ims Data.
-Monitor Advertising Campaigns
-Sell-in and sell-out analysis
-Coordinated the development of promotional activities and in-store materials through relationship with outside creative agencies/suppliers as appropriate.
I amveryinterestedin Unilever becauseIbelieveit'sareallyinterestingandmotivating contest in wich increase experience ,skills and competencies.
Thankyou for your time and attention.
Please, feelfree tocontact me atanytime.