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Sample cover letter for Internship position at Google
measures the company’s economic value via its people, plant and profit accounts. 1) People account = Fair and favourable business practices that regard labour and the community in which the company conducts its business. 2) Planet account = Use of sustainable environmental practices and the reduction of environmental impact. Carbon trading and permits etc. 3) Profit account = The economic value created by the company or the economic benefit to the surrounding community and society, profit generation needs to be consistent in order for a firm to survive and continue to trade.
- Nestle and Unilever are very proactive in moulding these three ideas as they respect their labour and aim to keep them motivated, they aim to be as environmentally friendly as possible without sacrificing the profit account so they can continue growing. British American Tobacco (BAT) also aim to satisfy the TBL but the fact that their ultimate product contributes to illness and disease in people means that they cannot be recognized as being responsible from this.
- People are very important to a business but are not included on the balance sheet, however, goodwill is included on the balance sheet under intangible assets. We could technically value people as intellectual property if they have great expertise in the area based on amount of training, job rotation, industry knowledge etc. Reliable and efficient suppliers may also be categorized using this idea. Many customers who are environmentally aware will shop at IKEA and Tesco for example, as IKEA use sustainable and recycled materials. However, Tesco were high on CSR until they hit the recession and started losing customers, at this stage they dropped prices and got rid of their CSR discipline in order to maximize profit. This shows how marketing and promotion strategies change when the big retailer started feeling pressure from the discounters like Lidl and Aldi and shows the real sincerity present in their intentions.