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Sample cover letter for Internship position at HUL
Ans1 I was a part of TEDXNSIT event management team for one year. The event accumulated
leading thinkers and doers from diversified fields such as music, design, social development and
technology under a common roof to share their experiences and ideas. We had a schedule prepared for
TED talks and all the speakers confirmed their availability. But due to some urgency one of the
prominent speakers had to cancel the talk. This happened just 3 days before the event day. Being the
most popular events of the college and to ensure that talk met with the expectation of the audience, we as
a team decided to invite some other great speaker but the challenge before us was the time constraint. But
I took an initiative to invite Mr Amber Habib and approached him personally. I have worked as an intern
at mathematical sciences foundation under its Inviting All young Mind program (IAYM) and got an
opportunity to work with this great mathematician and bird photographer. He accepted the invitation to
deliver the talk on such a short notice. So TED Talk got s a speaker who not only talked about the
fascinating applications and new ideas in field of mathematics but also discussed about the birds global
diversity and ways to conserve it and make it sustainable. This was possible only because of good
relationship I maintained with the professor and the value and respect I put in it.