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Sample cover letter for Internship position at Oushinet
Campaign Planner
Dear Oushinet Sir,
I’m currently doing my masters degree at Goldsmiths University of London in Interactive Media and Critical Theory and Practise. I have masters degree from University of Hertfordshire in Screen Culture as well asan undergraduate degree from University of Arts London, Camberwell College in Illustration.
The Campaign Planner intern position with Oushinet is a unique opportunity to start my career with the leading press firm whilst focusing on coediting news content to rise audiences' attention. I discovered my passion for social media and campaign planning through my internships inDigital Content Editor with Smarta Enterprise, and experience in Head of Visual Media with WeCreate International. I know that Oushinet gives the opportunity to experience early responsibility and to interact with inspirational colleagues. The challenging working environment would encourage me to continually strive to exceed expectations and experience Oushinet’s diverse social and global network.
I believe my specialism and qualifications match this position’s requirements perfectly which allowsme to be a great advertising campaign planner inOushinet, for example:
I have interned at an art entrepreneur and Public Relation organisation called WeCreate Internationals, which focuses on bridging the gap between the academe and the industry as well as enhancing practitioners’ engagement with practical experiences. As the head of visual media department, I had the opportunity to work closely with the Founder, the Executive Director and Project Manager to direct our promotional video and marketing strategy, and was entrusted with responsibility in regards to confidential contracts and collaborators information. The journal of each fashion event and exhibition has to be checked validated and by the Founder before it publishes to the press, in case there is no mismanagement and mistake entirely.
The experience I had in Smarta Enterprise, a high-profile business startup company, again thoroughly reinforces my skills of creating testimonial content with Adobe Creative Suite and Final Cut Pro. Besides,demonstrating ability to produce both visual and editorial content, my experience shows a commitment to campaign planning and social media best practice. I’m proficient in using Buffer and WordPress to promote and organise public campaigns and blogs I wrote in order to augment a website’s popularity across different social media platforms. The skill sets I developed at WeCreate and Smarta would be easily transferable to a press firm such as Oushinet.
I am a person with a thirst for London's best local campaigns and what it takes to drive tourists and students' enthusiasm and ultimatelyresonates the impacts of communications and executions, which emulates the usage of social media is to transform the stimulation induced by technology into the real. I’m insightful, passionate, approachable, dynamic, also have intellectual curiosity and an entrepreneurial spirit.
In addition, my extensive experience of editorial and promotional projects and understanding of required domains and platforms would be an adequate bedrock for me to work for Oushinet! Besides, I enjoy team work and have a strong awareness of how to generate productivity. Therefore, I believe advertising campaign planner is a perfect role for me.
Thank you very much for your consideration, here enclose my CV for your viewing and I look forward to your reply.
Sincerely and kind regards,
Yvonne Tsao