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Sample cover letter for Internship position at summer school




I am very interested in applying for the Summer School “Mid-East” at the University of Turin because I am motivated to study the issues related to this area.

I am currently completing my undergraduate degree in “International Development and Cooperation Studies” in Turin which has provided me with a political science approach towards themes such as Islamism or migration. This year I had some courses such as “Sociology of Islam” that gave me an idea of the complexity related to the Arab Uprisings and I really would like to study in-depth these issues. In addition I am really concerned by topics related to borders and boundaries because I participated and I still participate in volunteer experiences in the field of migration. In particular through my volunteer experiences I had the occasion to meet and work with refugees or undocumented people mostly from Middle East. It would be an opportunity to understand better the dynamics of the Middle Eastern region and to create a link between theory and practice.

Furthermore I am currently writing my Bachelor thesis on the problems that the European Union faces concerning illegal migration into the EU.

Finally this Summer School would be very useful for my future in order to acquire adequate skills to work in international community. I can picture myself working in an international context, both in for example an International Organization or an NGO. The chance to participate in this Summer School would be fundamental to achieving this goal. 

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