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University of North Carolina Scholarship Essay Example on Inspiring Story
Tell us a story that helps us better understand a person, place, or thing you find inspiring
In 2014, I founded Micro Love, a public welfare league that provides volunteer service for the elders in the old people's home in my community. We visited their houses, prepared art shows, and did whatever we could to take care of them. I thought we brought them plenty of happiness. However, Once when I had a deeper talk with the elders, I realized that we didn't manage to make them really happy. They told me what they actually needed was social recognition and sense of accomplishment, which they could hardly have a chance to achieve at their age.
That talk with the elders was really edifying and inspiring for me. It taught me that I should first think in other's perspectives before helping them, and inspired me to find a more effective way to delight the elders. Then I came up with new idea.
I decided to organize some old people who have some talents, including dancing, singing, reciting and calligraphy, and formed an elder's performance group called "Sunset". We established stage in public for them show their talents, which was really successful. They recited the poem "I Believe In The Future" with strength and emotion. They performed Pekin Opera just like professional artists. They also showed their calligraphy with a large size brush on the ground. They attracted a number of passers-by and prompted a round of applause. When people appreciated them and they laughed, I knew that the show made them feel really young and happy
Original Source: Essay Forum
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