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University of Pennsylvania Scholarship Essay Sample
Discuss a current international issue, which demonstrates how international affairs and business intersect and explain how the Huntsman curriculum might assist to resolve the issue
Trial by media
I am scrolling down the reactions on an article about the Panama papers. Drama, drama, and... drama that is a short summary of what I am reading. CEO's and sportsmen are being compared to Dagobert Duck as they ar being called greedy, immoral, and criminal. People are furious and I am smirking; while tax law has a reputation for being boring, it is almost funny to see how much sensation it causes.
This is a typical trial by media. People who love to give their opinion on a legal issue while they don not necessarily have the knowledge to do it correctly. The result is the massive harm in reputation for multinationals and sensation taking the upper hand instead of information. My quiet smirk changes in fright as I think further.
Tax fraud is a problem, I will never deny that. However, I am afraid that politics will not deal with this issue correctly. As we saw in France, the consequences for the economy can be quite dramatic if they decide to take the easy way out and make it witch hunt to poach votes. For, example, the recent BEPS project of the OECD is ought to deal with this issue while some measures actually close down our free market and scare multinationals to invest in our regions. There has to be a balance in the prevention of tax fraud and that is why I want to research the cross-border aspect of tax law and use it to defend corporations.
I already started educating myself on this topic by reading books about the Panama papers and free market economics or by collecting articles about the actions that the EU commission is taking against big corporations such as Amazon or Apple. I recently took an online course about international tax law in which I have written essays about my opinion on the actions of the OECD. Educating myself has taught me a lot, but it is only the first step.
I want to take the next step and consequently, I became interested in Huntsman. I want to specialize in the intercontinental relations between Nort America and Europe and research the international aspect of tax law to know what is really going on and what the real solution is. Because of Huntsman, I will be able to study these relations by studying in Philadelphia and Paris and still have a business education and liberty to take the concentration in Legal Studies and Business Ethics. I plan to get a JD after the program so I can put my knowledge into practice as a lawyer.
I want to change the tone of this debate; I want the right measures to be taken. Huntsman is the only program that enables me to make this impact for my future clients in one of the biggest and most complex economic issues of this decade.
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