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Help companies judge ideas through peer ratings
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Organizations posting challenges on MindSumo are sometimes overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of submissions. Students are submitting great ideas backed by solid research, but it can be extremely time consuming to start judging them from scratch, even with set criteria and deliverables. MindSumo is considering implementing a peer-rating system where students would be able to see and rate each other’s solutions. This data would then give companies a starting point, as the top rated solutions would be presented first.


1) How would you encourage MindSumo users to rate so as to gather the maximum data points?

2) How would a user give a rating on a specific solution? (e.g. slider, like, comparison etc)

    Submissions will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meets Deliverables
  • Creativity
  • Clarity
Reward Tiers
5 Winners
will receive $50 each
$50.00 Leo Martel Stanford University
$50.00 Annie Tang Massachusetts Institute of Technology
$50.00 Jarett Messing University of Illinois
$50.00 Andrew [email protected] University of California at Berkeley
$50.00 Robert Nathenson Johns Hopkins University
Submission questions

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