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San Francisco, CA
MindSumo is a platform for companies to challenge students. It was founded in November 2011 and launched in February 2012.
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Transporting Oranges
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: All of My Cups
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Pirate Coins
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #36
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: 500 Robots
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #40
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Guessing Birthdays
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: A Broken Digital Clock
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #35
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: 100 Strips of Ribbon
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: 48 Socks
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Printer for Profit
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Half Filled Penny Jar
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Betting on Tennis
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Mysterious Note on the Table
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Two Trains and a Plane
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: What Day is it Again?
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: How Old Are the Kids?
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: 100 Yard Race
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Which Place in the Bicycle Race?
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #41
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #47
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #43
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Who Broke the Window?
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: How Old is Eliza?
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Unreliable Clock
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: What is the Correct Time?
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #37
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: 21 High Fives
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Brothers and Sisters
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Can you help us refresh our homepage?
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: How Many Guesses?
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #44
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: The Forgotten House Code
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: The Age of Alice's Father
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Double Agents
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: If Yesterday was Tomorrow
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #42
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #38
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #39
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #46
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Technical Puzzle #45
MindSumo Launches Innovation Challenge: Steak or Pasta?
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